Official Osama Bin Laden Is A Dodgers Fan Shirt
At first glance you’d think so. But cowboy hats and cowboy boots evolved over many years to actually serve a purpose (many purposes, in fact). It’s a look. As a boot loving guy, I would always enjoy seeing more of the Osama Bin Laden Is A Dodgers Fan Shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this shaft of the boot — especially if it’s up to your knees high, or super decorative. My guy instinct is that it’s a good look for some, but not all. If you decide on trying this look out, do wear the tightest pants possible, not just for the sake of showing off you ass in a tight pair of jeans, but to have less fabric to twist and stuff down your boots. Got skinny jeans? Only if they are boot-cut jeans or straight jeans then I put my jeans over the shafts of my cowboy boots. But I usually wear skinny jeans so all of those go down inside my cowboy boots. Most of my cowboy boots are tall shafts, almost right up to my knees.